BLekker Events Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to BLekker Events PTY LTD, including but not limited to Miss Voluptuous South Africa.


The purpose of this Act is to be in line with the POPI Act 2013 of South Africa.  It is to ensure and promote the protection of personal information that is processed by the company BLekker Events PTY LTD, including but not limited to Miss Voluptuous South Africa. The Act is in place to prevent the misuse of individual and entity information.  Critical elements of the Act that will apply to BLekker Events PTY LTD is the lawful use of information and the processing of data.

With regards to data processing, it is important to understand that this term, ‘Data Processing’ refers to any and all activities and operations that has to do with using a person or businesses personal information.  There are three (3) forms of data processing mainly; the collection, organisation, storage, collation, modification, retrieving, recording, use or consultation of personal information; the dissemination or distribution of personal data, this includes any form that can be used to make data available, and the linking, restriction, merging, erasure, destruction, or degradation of personal data.

The processing end of this includes everything that has to do with data that is obtained with consent, this includes the time period that the organisation obtains the information up until the information is destroyed because it is not needed anymore.  This processing of data covers the information obtained from the beginning of the lifecycle until the end when the data is to be destroyed.  The information will be destroyed when it is no longer needed for the purpose that it was collected, to when the law requires It be destroyed.

BLekker Events PTY LTD wants to ensure that the company is compliant with all processes when collecting, dealing with and destroying information. The company is implementing communication and training within the company with regards to all policies and procedures that are needed to ensure that the POPI Act is complied with.

The following section outlines the eight (8) conditions that is required for compliance according to the POPI Act, in which BLekker Events strives to adhere to;

  1. Data must be purpose specific
    The company collects data for verification purposes with regards to the eligibility of the pageant. There is no information that is collected that is deemed irrelevant.  Obtaining the data and the purpose thereof will be made known to anyone that is voluntarily giving it, this data will be also be documented.
  2. Accountability
    This refers to BLekker Events holding responsibility to prove that the company is fully compliant with the requirements within the POPI Act.
  3. Processing limitation
    All data must be obtained directly and with full consent from the contestant whose data it is. It will be made at events what the data is used for and the purpose hereof, this will be a detailed explanation.  It will also be made note of if any third parties will be using this information, and this will be done with consent of any and all parties involved.
  4. Further Processing Limitation
    BLekker Events will not process any data that was collected for any secondary purposes. If this is done, then there will be provable data linking the data and the consent to do so.  The objective is to be fully transparent when collecting data and the purpose of this data.
  5. Openness
    Here a contestant is made aware that they do have the right to complain to the Information Regulator if they suspect that the data has been misused by the BLekker Events office. In addition to this the contestant is made aware that any rendering of data is done so with full consent by the contestant and that they are informed about the purpose of the data collected by an assigned individual within the company. This is a condition that BLekker Events PTY LTD strives to adhere to and be compliant with.
  6. Information Quality
    All information collected by the BLekker Events office will be checked to be true information provided by the contestant. BLekker Events PTY LTD ensures that the information is complete and correct and not misleading in any way.
  7. Security Safeguards
    This ensure that the process and strategies put in place ensure that all data is kept secure and safe. With regards to email, there is a key point when it comes to security.  Due to the risk of cyber attacks, BLekker Events is sufficiently enabled to comply with the provisions set out in the POPI Act.  The company will continue to do due diligence when it comes to ensuring that the risk is at all times minimised and find solutions for safe storage and security of all the contestant information.
  8. Contestant Participation
    All Contestants have the right to alter or withdraw any information at any time. The contestant also has the right to enquire from BLekker Events what data about them is being held at point in time. BLekker Events PTY LTD is aware that the company may not refuse this request and must adhere to it at all times to ensure compliance with the POPI Act.

Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013

  1. Introduction
    As a registered company, BLekker Events PTY LTD (‘The Company’) is obligated to comply with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (‘POPIA’).  POPIA requires that the company duly informs their contestants as to the personal information that will be collected, how it is to be used, disclosed and destroyed.

    This policy sets out the standards that the Company will need to uphold with regards to handling all information given to them by the contestants.

    The purpose of the Company’s policy is to ensure that the Company and all information is protected against threats.  There is a general standard that is appropriate for all the protection of personal information within the Company and that the Company has principles in place to ensue the sae guarding of individuals personal information.

    For the purposes of this policy, contestants includes but is not limited to any user of the BLekker Events PTY LTD and Miss Voluptuous South Africa platforms.

  2. Usage of Personal Information
    The contestants information is only used for the purpose which it is collected and agreed upon with the contestant.  In this regard, it may include;

    • Verifying and confirming all contestant details
    • Updating said information
    • Record keeping purposes
    • Conducting research, such as marketing and satisfaction research
    • Providing service and products to contestant to carry out any transactions
    • For legal proceedings
    • Providing communication with regard to the Company that may affect the contestants
    • To ensure compliance with regards to regulatory and legal requirements or when it is allowed by law otherwise

    According to Section 10 in POPIA, any personal information may only be processed due to the following circumstances;

    • Necessity of processing
    • Contestant consents to processing
    • Processing protects a legitimate interest of the contestant
    • Processing is necessary for pursuing the legitimate interests of the company and or third party to who the information has been given. This will be to provide the contestant with any product or services, therefore the Company and any of its product suppliers will require exact personal information from the contestants
    • Processing complies with an obligation imposed by the law on the Company
  3. Personal Information that will be collected
    The POPIA, Section 9 states, “Personal Information must be processed lawfully and in a reasonable manner that does not infringe the privacy of a data subject.”

    The Company may collect and handle the contestant’s personal information but can only do so with the absolute consent of the contestant or when given permission or required to do so in terms of the law.

    The Company shall strive to have all agreements with all suppliers who may receive information of the contestants in place.  This it to ensure that the information supplied and the suppliers or service providers adhere to the requirements set out in POPIA.

    The Company will collect and handle personal information provided of the contestants, including but not limited to the users of the platform. The specifics of the information that is collected and handled will depend on what the information is needed for.

    For example, the Company may collect personal information such as;

    • Full Names and Surnames
    • Physical and Postal Addresses
    • Contact information, like Cell phone numbers and email addresses
    • Identity Numbers
    • Biographical data
  4. of Personal Information
    The Company may disclose and obtain any personal information with and information about the contestants from third parties for reasons already disclosed above.

    The Company may disclose the contestant’s personal information if there is a duty or right to disclose in terms of any applicable law, legislation or deemed necessary to protect the Company’s rights.

    The Company may disclose the contestant’s personal information to any of it’s subsidiaries, joint ventures, approved third parties or companies.  This information may be shared with service providers, where they offer the contestants services or products, should the contestants choose to use them.  The Company shall ensure that the information disclosed meets all privacy requirements.

  5. Consent from Contestants
    Any information given freely to the Company or a person who has been authorised to obtain such information, means that the Company receives this information on a voluntary basis and that the contestant willingly provides the Company with said information.

    All information that has voluntarily been given to the Company is specific, unambiguous and informed with regards to the contestant’s wishes.  This is done by a clear affirmation or statement, or any agreement, which signifies that consent has been freely given and not under duress.

  6. Safeguarding Contestant Information
    Not only is it important to BLekker to ensure that contestant information is safeguarded but it is also a requirement of the POPI Act that this be taken seriously. Ensuring to meet these standards and be compliant with the Act, the Company will on a continuous basis review its security processes to ensure safety of contestant’s personal information.

    As a sole director company, the director will ensure the development and upkeep of this policy.

    BLekker Events PTY LTD will ensure that the following is constantly reviewed and updated;

    • That this privacy policy’s changes and updates are communicated to all relevant stakeholders within the business as well as contestants.
    • To ensure that the it is supported by documentation that is always up to date
    • A new employee that becomes part of BLekker Events PTY LTD will need to sign a contract with the company where the employee will agree to a clause regarding collecting, usage, storage and any other action that is required according to POPI Act
    • As a new start up Company, the Company will be doing research into offsite storage of all information with a qualified third party that meets the terms of the POPI Act
    • All companies, including but not limited to insurers, and suppliers will all need to sign an agreement that guarantees their commitment to the protection of personal information

    Company Director

    The details of the Director is;

    Alicia Stols

    The director and all employees of BLekker Events commit to adhere to these principles;

    • To be transparent when it comes to the governing procedures with regards to collecting and processing information
    • To ensure that contestants information is obtained with consent and voluntarily
    • To ensure compliance with any requirements when it comes to collecting and processing information
    • To treat all information, especially sensitive information with care and trust
    • To inform all contestants when information about them needs to be collected either from them or third parties
    • To ensure that all information collected and processed is used for the exact purpose that it is collected for
    • As mentioned above that all information shared with any third parties is done only when necessary, the Company has the consent of the contestant or when it is abiding by the law in any manner
    • To ensure that information kept is correct and complete
    • To allow contestants the right to access their own information where applicable, to be compliant with corrections, deleting or amending any information previously given
    • To be compliant with the POPI Act and with consent of the contestant to share information with the across international borders, for example to share information of crowned queen with the International Pageant, for the international pageant only.
    • To ensure that reasonable safeguards are developed and put into place
  7. Monitoring of Policy
    As the Director, it is their responsibility to ensure that this policy is understood and are always implemented.  To ensure distribution and where applicable any amendments are made available to necessary parties.  To ensure that the Company and any employees are aware of the policy, understand the policy and correctly implement the policy without hesitation. For all to demonstrate compliance with the policy.
  8. Amendments to Policy
    A review of this policy and or amendments will take place at least once a year and all contestants will be referred to the website with regards to any changes made.